00.5 - Foundation
En Enclave, los humanos se
han refugiado en colonias bajo tierra. Esta es la historia de qué los condujo
allí, contada desde el punto de vista de un adolescente que más tarde tendría
una gran influencia en el destino de muchos, y quien le entregó su corazón a la
única persona que más lo necesitaba.
01 - Enclave / Enclave

When rebellion destroys the
underground world in which Thimble and Stone have grown up, they take Stone's
son and try to escape the chaos. Along the way, they must evade the Freaks,
beings who feed on human flesh. Leaving behind the roles of Builder and Breeder
which they were assigned at birth, they wander the underground tunnels, looking
for safety yet afraid to go "topside" where legend has it that the
light and water will burn their skin from their bones.
Their journey takes them
upward to an unimagined world of tinned food, comfortable furniture, and books.
Away from their regimented society for the first time, and still facing
imminent danger, Thimble and Stone acknowledge the forbidden attraction which
both have denied for years.
El mundo de Dos ha cambiado
desde que los lectores la conocieron en Enclave. La superficie ya no es segura,
los engendros cada vez son más inteligentes. Observan. Planean. ¿Qué destino
les espera a Dos y a los suyos si ya no queda ningún lugar libre de tal
If you wondered why Fade
retreated from Deuce at the end of Outpost, find out in his own words.
03 - Horda / Horde